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Bonne Pâques

Bonne Pâques

Ooo ancient traditions just fascinate me. So what happens during Easter in, errr let's take Australia and Spain for a great example. Australia frolics in celebration of anything agricultural, animals, and entertainment for family (geared towards money...

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Il Rinascimento

Il Rinascimento

Who Wants To Be A Squeeze me llionaire : Buat mereka yang merasa mapan pengetahuan umum-nya, mengapakah dunia menyebut era "renaissance"sebagai "la renassaince" dengan istilah Perancis, sementara the Italians sendiri, sebagai pelopornya, membawa pandu...

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Please respond, please!

And the Anglophones involuntarily (or happily) butcher the French language. I’m not sure if this happens a lot at your place, but it does at mine. Have your colleagues, clients, business partners, mates, bosses, office secretary sent an invitation –for...

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bravissimo l'ufficio postale

Posting pendek sebab batuk-batuk, hidung mampet plus ileran, dan keletihan tengah mendera. Pengakuan seorang ex-ebay addict (saya): Tahun 2005, budget "shopping" saya tersedot sekitar tiga perempat via transaksi ebay. Dan bukan cuma ebay lokal, tapi ebay...

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use yer fecken sense, or lack of it!

Confession of a cafeine addict : I’m so highly strung this past week. Things are all happening. Like a thirsty fish drinking, I’m spending all my dosh on …. education! About this time last week, I happily sat at one of the public benches in the pedestrian...

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« jamais-vu »

… Wouldn’t it be grand if you could coin a new phrase? Brand s p a n k i n’ new, thanksverymuch. It’d really have to be « jamais-vu », the antiterm to the overused «déjà-vu». Quickly, déjà-vu simply the French for ‘already-seen’. Now, « jamais-vu » would...

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u got MSG?

I'm no Lord Byron, but I shall attempt to write properly. Friday arvo (Aust. afternoon) our rundown team had a fit with the system - the online application package spat out a series of error messages. Bloody hell! Naturally, this infuriated the boss,...

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when moved what, again?

Paguyuban Pasundan: Pindahkan Ibukota Indonesia Suara Pembaruan Online, 13 Jan 2006 ... "Selain sebagai pusat pemerintahan, Jakarta juga telah menjadi pusat bisnis, wisata, parpol, dan agama, serta budaya," kata Sekretaris Jenderal Paguyuban Pasundan,...

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SNAG, anyone?

SNAG, anyone?

Dan patutkah kami berterimakasih kepada Jean-Paul Gaultier? Atau selama ini ia hanya mempersulit hidup kami sambil memperbesar emporium kosmetiknya? Monsieur Gaultier, legenda industri mode dunia. Saya bukan pemerhati la mode, seperti kata ex-suku Franks,...

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ça te dit?

Are you looking for a great weekend? *Then look no further *I have an opportunity for 2 people to enjoy water sports, Fishing or just doing nothing *Accommodation *BBQ and soft drink *Boat and driver *Fishing rods *Kneebourd *Ski Biscuit *Music *Camp...

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