Vivat Repvbblica Helvetica!

Publié le par macchi

I may be a drunkard bastard (heck that sounds really harsh), I may even possibly an ungrateful scum.

Daftar peringkat kota-kota terbaik hingga terburuk di dunia baru saja dirilis kemarin. Dan  tidak mengherankan, Eropa Barat mendominasi pertingkat tertinggi. Apalagi Swiss, yehaaaa, langsung swoooshing ke top 10 bak banteng terluka menyeruduk binal (err Swiss isn’t Spain or is it?) …

Lucunya, setidaknya bagi saya, Auckland NZ cukup jumawa juga di tangga no lima. Padahal, ini beneran, warga NZ banyak yang bermigrasi ke AUS, ke kota-kota sepanjang pantai timur negeri wallaby, dengan alasan NZ tidak rame, tidak asik, kaga aci, dalam perihal hiburan dan lapangan pekerjaan. Berarti, Auckland makin sepi aja. Cuma sekitar 1 juta orang doang kok populasinya. Kok bisa sih dianggap terbaik? Anomali ah.

O yah, ngomong-ngomong menurut kamu Jakarta peringkat berapa sih? Heheee… [macet, rampok, todong, perkosa, jambret, maling, rampas, bis gelantungan, artis anak durhaka - LOL, dan lain-lain sebagainya]

The top ten cities in the list:
Zurich, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland
Vancouver, Canada
Vienna, Austria
Auckland, New Zealand
Dusseldorf, Germany
Munich, Germany
Sydney, Australia
Berne, Switzerland

Auckland and Wellington have both moved up the rankings from 8th to 5th and 14th to 12th places respectively, mainly due to strong internal stability relative to other cities, while Sydney remains at position 9 with a score of 106.5.

In Asia, Singapore ranks 34th (score 102.5) followed by Tokyo, Japan’s highest scoring city, at position 35 (score 102.3). Hong Kong’s modern and efficient infrastructure, including its airport (which is considered one of best in the world), has pushed it up from 70th to 68th position with a score of 95.4.

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