Publié le par macchiato


YOYO = "You're On Your Own"

Bukan cuma bhs2 dunia lainnya mengalami Renaissance, bhs Inggris pun demikian. Bedanya, bahasa non-Inggris begitu hausnya menyerap anglowords atao semi-anglo sementara bhs Inggris , di lain pihak, dg cerdasnya mendaur kosa kata mereka sendiri yg kombinasinya tak terbatas.

Itu satu hal yg gue kagumi dari Inggris. Kosakatanya lebih dari satu juta, setengahnya berakar dari Latin (30% via French), sisanya berasal dari induk Germanic dan campur aduk. Abad ke-20 dan ke-21 adalah puncak keemasannya, sukses menyingkirkan French sbg bahasa internasional de facto, sukses menginfiltrasi bahasa2 Eropa melalui jangkauan Union Eropa dan bahkan non-Eropa dg anglicisism-nya. Siapa skrg yg bisa menandingin hegemoni Anglosphere dan pemasaran " kebudayaan " mereka ke penjuru dunia: budaya UK, US, AUS, CAN, NZ (maap2 bgt, Singapur dand Singlish mereka terlalu bizarre di telinga!) tak terhalangi lajunya, laris manis bak kacang rebus di malam dingin.

Kata serapan bukan sesuatu yg baru, French dan Italian pun ngga bisa menghindar dari fenomena ini. French yg bisa-bisanya menginvensi rendez-vous, coup d'etat dan segudang terminologi kompleks lainnya harus meminjam le camping, le parking, le week-end, dll. Italian memberi dunia pasta, graffiti, confetti, tapi dg tanpa ragu2 mengadopsi il feeling, il computer, il mouse, il business centre, ... dan bhs RI dg frase hibrid-komposit-nya «so what gitu loh» ergh ngga bisa lebih inventif kah - lalu literatur RI kontemporer yg tokoh utamanya tinggal di Jakarta tapi peribahasanya 50% bhs Inggris atao campur2 bak gado2, ngga realistis atuh. Atao kdg gue baca blog yg menulis, contoh, even gurunya sendiri said so, well kayanya gue musti confirm next week deh. CRAP - write properly or don't bloody bother mate.

Setiap beberapa bulan sekali kamus Oxford, Webster dan Macquarie (AUS) meng-update dg entri-entri baru. Macquarie terutama berkonsentrasi akan kosakata AUS aborigin dan AUS slang (yg kdg aneh bgt). Di koran diulas ada kamus FUNKTIONARY, beberapa entrinya lucu bgt (bagi gue, setidaknya):

Abdocate (v) - to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach
Accelervator (n) - a person who mistakenly believes that the lift button will respond faster if it's pushed frequently and in a frenzied manner
Al desko (adv) - a style of lunch where you eat at your desk, usually under pressure of work (bah, bos gue banget, ibu2 60 taon, sandwiches-nya selalu dikonsumsi di meja kerjanya, sambil main solitaire!)
Baked Potato (n) - a couch potato who, as well as pigging out on junk food, is stoned (aaah, ini mah temen2nya housemate gue !)
Boomeranger (n) - the adult child of Babyboomers parents who returns home to live
Chick-chat (n) - girl talk
Digerati (n) - the new digital literate, those with electronic or digital literacy
Designer's Stubbble (n) - a man's facial hair, possibly well manicured, when he hasn't shaven for a few days
Disorient Express (adj) - a state of utter confusion
Dotsnot (n) - a young, arrogant, rich person whose sudden wealth comes from a dotcom investment
Earworm (n) - a song you can't get out of your head
Ego surfing (n) - searching the net for any mention of your name
Fattle (n) - the ongoing battle to lose weight *LOL
Fur kid (n) - a pet that fills the role of a substitute kid (temen dari seorang temen gue, punya 4 anjing pets yg buat nemenin dia doang, tanpa keluarga, ajing2 ini bak keluarganya sendiri)
Hyper-dating (n) - a huge turnover in dating partners over a short period of time
Parasingles (n) - 20 and 30-something who earn a salary but still live with their parents, without contributing to the cost of running the home
Poddict (n) - an avid iPod user
Sad Grad (n) - a recent uni graduate weighed down by student loan debt and few prospects for job commensurate
Salad dodgers (n) - a pejorative term for overweight people
Shabby chic (n) - the fashion to look down-and-out, even if it costs you a bomb
Spinach Book (n) - a book you know is good for you but that you don't expect to enjoy
Vigilauntie (n) - a family member who is particularly nosey
Yurp (n) - it started out as a yawn, but somewhere in the middle, a burp slipped out (ay caramba!)


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